Wednesday, September 05, 2007


How AGLOCO Works

Join And Get Paid To Surf The Net

AGLOCO: The Internet's First Economic Network

Currently, the most popular Internet businesses are built on the power of social networks. Take a look at companies like MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube who have become worth billions because other businesses realize that these social networks are generating huge advertising and marketing opportunities.

AGLOCO has asked a simple question: "The users created the community, where’s their share of the profit?"

From that very question, AGLOCO set out to create the Internet’s first Economic Network by using the strength of social networks to directly benefit the Members who build the community.

Becoming a member of AGLOCO is as simple as completing a simple sign-up page (name, age, location and email address.). Once you’re a Member, you will be asked to then download the Viewbar™ software.

The Ways AGLOCO Makes Money for Its Members

Search: Each time you use the Viewbar™ to do an Internet search, AGLOCO earns money from the search engine providers. (Google pays as much as $0.10 on average for each search that is directed to its search engine.)

Advertising: The AGLOCO's Viewbar™ displays ads that are specialized to you. Through clicking on an ad and/or making a purchase, AGLOCO receives a referral fee, which we then pass on to our Members. (Please note: Individual members do not receive any compensation for clicking on ads in the Viewbar™, and the Viewbar™ can detect if someone is clicking ads in a fraudulent manner.)

Transaction commissions: Many major retailers pay commissions when you refer customers who make a purchase. AGLOCO collects that commission and passes it on to our members. (For example, Amazon pays an 8.5% commission to most websites who refer customers, and has cut deals for even larger percentages. The bigger the AGLOCO community, the better commission we can negotiate for our Members.)

Software distribution: Numerous software companies pay websites to encourage the download of new software releases (for example, Adobe’s Flash and Acrobat Reader software), and trial versions of new programs. AGLOCO members not only get access to the latest and coolest software, they get paid for it.

Service distribution: Many online service providers will look to the AGLOCO community as a source of new and active users for their services. (For example, eBay, Skype, and PayPal, among others, all pay fees to people who help them recruit new active users to their services)

Product distribution: When Members agree to use a product, such as cell phones, high-tech gadgets, office supplies, new credit cards or financial services, AGLOCO can collect referral fees. Some companies even offer special rebate and cash-back programs.

AGLOCO Members make money in four ways.

Members earn a monthly share of the AGLOCO revenue based on the use of the AGLOCO Viewbar™ that month.

Members earn part of the company based on the use of the AGLOCO Viewbar™ that month (currently a maximum of five hours are rewarded).

Members who use our referral system to help build the AGLOCO network will earn more.

Members will also get a share of any commissions AGLOCO gets when a Member purchases a product or service from an AGLOCO Sponsor company.

Why Should I Join AGLOCO?

Joining AGLOCO is absolutely free and registration takes less than a minute.

By joining you can help to grow the AGLOCO community by building your referrals TODAY.

Be sure to be the first to invite your friends to join AGLOCO before someone else beats you to them.

By building the AGLOCO community you make AGLOCO more attractive to potential business partners and advertisers.

Refer your friends and family by contacting them through email. (But remember we have a strict anti-spam policy.)

Use your website, blog and your existing social networks, such as MySpace and Facebook, to contact your friends and encourage them to join a new community that will actually let them earn money.

Be a part of the Internet’s first Member-Owned Economic Community.


Own the Internet!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


The recent incident in Mumbai where in a young boy was abducted by his so called friends made in Orkut and then cruelly murdered, has brought in lime light, the evils associated with the networking sites.

There are currently several social networking websites suitable for all ages and groups. However, what has caught the fancy of teens are the websites like Orkut, MySpace, Friendster, Bebo, Dada etc. The website is an easy platform where in you meet friends online, share interests and just hang out. These web sites offer various ways to get connected, common being an internal email system, chat, blog etc. With the development in technology, you can even remain connected to the internet on your cell phone. So where ever you are, you stay connected to your friend online in real time, virtually 24/7.

But as with any popular meeting place, there are predators and bullies waiting to take advantage of the ill-informed. If you enjoy those cyber-hang outs, you need to protect yourself.

The good news? It just takes a bit of knowledge and the right security tools.

Since social networking is about making friends, you should be very selective in choosing your friend. Rather than being very friendly with any individual who meets you online, it is safer to make a friend who is known to you or is a friend of your friend. References do work…so try to be careful and selective, when making a friend.

If any newly made friend is sending provocative or offensive messages, it is wiser to ignore them, rather than getting involved in an altercation or a “mail war”. You don’t have to respond to everybody and everything! Just ignore whatever “does not feel right” and let the messages go into oblivion. You should also consider whether to let the person continue as a friend or remove him / her from the list.

Your login and password are important! They are not to be shared, even with friends. Most of these websites have free registration and becoming a member is free. If a “friend” asks for your login and password, just ask yourself why he can’t get his own...). Stealing user names and passwords is a common trick in social platforms.

Be careful about what you say about yourself or your family! You never know the intentions of the person at the other end. If the person is very well known to you, you can discuss personal details, if you feel comfortable discussing them. However, be very cautious and restrictive when discussing with strangers or newly made friend.

Be very careful when writing anything on the posts. Anybody can read your posts, and for a long time after you’ve written them. Some people just enjoy reading post of others. However, imagine you have written something about your boss and he stumbles upon your post and reads it!! I am sure you would not like to jeopardize your promotion or job. Or if you are a student and have written something about your teacher and (s)he reads it, how embarrassing it can be.

Always keep in mind that there are predators ready to pounce on you. Whenever you’re about to post something, ask yourself if someone would be able to get back to you in real-life with that information. If so, then sanitize your post! Don’t give any clue to your actual identity (school names, class schedules, phone numbers, etc.).

Never get together alone with someone you meet online. This represents the biggest danger to your safety. If you decide to meet someone, talk to your parents first and then meet in a public area, preferably with friends.

When you download content from other users (songs, videos, documents, etc.), you open your computer to hackers. With a well-crafted Trojan horse, they can wipe out your pictures and music, or steal your passwords and really make a fool out of you. To guard against these risks, make sure your Internet security program has a firewall and an antispyware tool that work with other parts of your security system to protect your stuff and your computer from hackers, viruses, worms and Trojan horses.


Yes, Social Networking Sites are great. And you can enjoy expressing yourself the way you want to as well as stay connected with your friends. But, as in real life, you’d be a fool to think you can do it without taking some precautions. With a bit of forethought and our advice, you can keep your information safe against security threats and continue to enjoy the many social opportunities of the Internet. Stay smart, keep up with networking site scams and make sure your computer has security tools like Norton AntiVirus and Norton Internet Security. Have fun!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


The nuclear deal, which had been signed by Manmohan Singh, the Indian Prime Minister, with President Bush, is now under the Left threat. Do not proceed ahead..the Left leaders have threatened, or we will pull the carpet from under your feet.

Two things need to be understood...what are the concerns of the Left and why has Left taken such a long time to issue such an ultimatum to the government it supports from outside.

The Left says that Hyde Act impinges upon the soveriegnity of India and is unacceptable. The Hyde Act was enacted by the US Congress to explicitly poromote ‘nuclear cooperation’ between India and the US and enable them to sign an agreement under Section 123 of the Atomic Energy Act, 1954. It is highly significant that the Agreement does not mention the Hyde Act at all. This is all the more so because it mentions other documents such as the Indo-US Joint Statement of July 18, 2005, repeatedly; the IAEA’s statute, its document on ‘The Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities’ and the convention on the ‘Physical protection of Nuclear Material’. These are international instruments accepted by both sides. References to them constitute, in legal parlance, incorporation into the agreement by reference. In contrast, India is not bound by the Hyde Act, which is why the agreement does not refer to it even once. The omission is deliberate and of legal consequence. Then why is the Left shouting from the roof top that the soveriegnity of the country has been compromised?

Let us now analyse what this agreement means to India. The agreement removes all hurdles faced by India in procuring nuclear technology and fuel for good. Moreover, all other current restrictions on India's access to America's high and dual technologies will also be withdrawn as a result. New Delhi will be able to do much more business with the US in fields barred to Indians hitherto, with the expectation that the volume of trade between the two countries will double within the next two years from the current US$ 24 billion.The agreement is a win-win situation from the Indian point of view. India will be able to build more nuclear power plants. At present it has 15 functional plants with an additional seven under construction. India stuck to it guns during the course of tough negotiations. It did not agree to open all its nuclear facilities to international inspection. Instead, it ingeniously divided its facilities into "civilian" and "military" ones and agreed to open only the former to international inspection. New Delhi thinks that the nuclear energy is the answer to its ever-growing needs for power. With this deal India will not have to depend totally on foreign oil and gas for its increasing energy needs. A recent Pentagon report described India as a "key strategic partner". US wants to engage India in its global schemes. India is already a military partner of the US. Since 2001 it has carried out 35 joint military exercises at sea, land and air, both in the US and in India. Indian Navy ships are already providing escort and security facilities to the American military ships passing through the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean on their way to and from the Pacific through the Straits of Malacca in Southeast Asia. The only rationale behind the ongoing joint military drills is that there are certain plans for joint Indo-American military action in future. The US wants to promote India to counter China in Asia. This kind of cooperation does not go down well with Asia's emerging giant as well as with many popular and political forces within India. New Delhi has also successfully sold to the US the idea that a democratic India is a great ally against the Islamic terrorism America is fighting at present.The withdrawal of sanctions against New Delhi will help India in many ways. It will open the gates for Indo-US cooperation in lucrative space research and scientific cooperation in many fields which are currently barred to Indians. The US has refused to offer a similar deal to Pakistan. India, Washington says, has demonstrated that it is a responsible nuclear power. Pakistan, on the other hand, is accused of helping nuclear proliferation.

Does this not lead to the conclusion that Left is trying to tow the China line. It is trying to scuttle the agreement so that the hegemony of China within Asia remains un-challenged. Who is acting in the interest of the country - Dr. Manmohan Singh or the Left?

Now, coming to the next question, why did the Left take so much time to issue an ultimatum. After all, the nuclear deal is not an overnight development. It has taken years of tough negtiations to get the US to agree our terms and conditions. But the Left wanted to wait till the elections of the President and Vice-President were over. Somewhere, at the back of their mind was a desire to see a Communist or someone from West Bengal being elected as President / Vice President. This is not fair Comrade Karat. You should have raised your voice, like you are raising now, long back when the agreement was being signed. That would have shown your sincerity and nationalism, if you may call it so. But you preferred to keep quiet then. You tried all the tricks at your command to see that the person you wanted to become the President / Vice President is elected. You only know how much you succeeded in that. Do you think the people of India will not be able to understand your designs?

Come on, be a sport, Comrade Karat. Try to understand what is in the interest of India rather than promoting the interest of China.